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Gilder E. Malone

12713 Firsby Ave

Cleveland, Ohio

Tel: 216-298-7370

Tel: 216-333-8731

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Join the Gilder E. Malone Campaign

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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Gilder make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer:

walking door to door, hosting fundraising events, donate in-kind services, make phone calls

Here are ways you can help:

An Election House Party means inviting friends, neighbors, or colleagues to discuss information on candidates or ballot measures prior to voting. House Parties don’t need to cost the host more than a bag of chips to pass around, gatherings can be of any size, and they are a fun way to prepare to vote!


House Parties can be a rare opportunity for people to seek an honest and accurate understanding of who they will be voting on. Discussing what you’ve heard and read with others is often a great way to gain a fuller picture of the issues.  it is critical for people to know there candidate and there issues before arriving at the polls or completing an absentee ballot.  


You can do a great service for your friends and family, neighbors or colleagues by creating an opportunity for them to understand the person and ward issues for which they will be asked to vote. Perhaps the only thing worse than not voting at all is voting based upon an inaccurate perception of that of your candidate .


If you know me , you know I love Cleveland and my neighborhood. I am not a career politician but rather a breath of fresh air to Ward 11 Cleveland , Ohio.


For many years now Cleveland City Council has been run by the same people with the same agendas, I would like to change that. My agenda is not hidden, I will be as transparent as you want me to be. 


Working for a local campaign is a way for an individual to directly help implement governmental change. My campaigns welcome  seniors, high school and college students, and they play integral roles in the election by registering and mobilizing new voters and canvassing our community to get the word out there is a change ready to take place in Ward 11 Cleveland, Ohio.


They also assist with getting out information to the community and help with and organizing town hall meetings. These meetings bring services or programs the community may not know are available to them or you may not be aware of in the City of Cleveland.

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